As the UK prepares to leave the European Union, many of our customers are asking what the consequences for their business will be.
The free movement of goods between UK and the EU will most likely be controlled. This means you won’t be able to jump in a van and head off into the EU without some documentation, and possible taxation. If you already use a freight company to make your continental deliveries, there should be no difference to you, save the taxation issue. The government has said they would like a ‘transitional period’, so that carriage of goods is not immediately impacted.
As far as shipping to events is concerned, EwePack already uses ATA carnets when goods are temporarily delivered outside the EU. We expect that the carnet system, along with transit documentation procedures will be adopted for goods temporarily exported from the UK to the EU and returning after an event overseas.
When the modern EU was first envisaged in the 1970s, freight transport between Europe and the UK was very cheap compared to deep sea destinations (such as China, USA and India); yet now, deep sea deliveries are more cost-effective. This presents opportunity to many, post BREXIT. EwePack is ready to help companies who are looking to take advantage of the opportunities that changes caused by BREXIT will bring.